Creative Career Design
workshop in Minneapolis: Monday, july 23rd
An Intro to Creative Sustainability workshop for artists, musicians, and creative humans. Learn to map your projects and design a career that is more in line with how you actually like spending your days on this planet.
part 1: Holistic Life Context
A decision making structure that balances quality of life with career goals.
Part 2: Creative Project Mapping
A creative mapping system that uses permaculture techniques to sustainably redesign your project, practice, or career.
WHERE The Aldrich Tattoo Parlour: 2836 Lyndale Ave S #270, Minneapolis, MN 55408
WHEN Drinks at 6:30pm, Workshop 7pm-9pm, Monday July 23rd, 2018
HOW (how much) Suggested donation of $20+ which covers materials and supports Chris's workshop tour around the US.
WHO I'm Chris Faroe, a writer, musician, and explorer, often living in the Hudson Valley of New York.
For the past several years I have been researching ways to use patterns from permaculture design and sustainable agriculture to help creative humans (including myself) develop a resilient, fulfilling right livelihood.
When I'm not mapping creative projects, I can be found working on my tiny house, playing with my veggie-oil-powered '80s Mercedes, or dancing around.