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Beta Tester Application

improving the creative career design online course

I need your creative brain!

I’m constantly honing this content and working to improve the formats in which I make it available. Being a beta tester is perhaps the best way to get an in-depth understanding of my full range of tools, and it’s the most affordable way to take my course.

The exchange is quite simple; in exchange for a 40% discount on the 12-week course ($260 off), I ask that you give me weekly feedback throughout the course. Some of this will be written, and some of it will be in call form, but either way it should take no more than 30-60 minutes per week on average. Additionally, beta testers will have the opportunity to spend about 5 hours post-course (scheduled in a way that works for you) to help me create and test the next version of the online course and digital workbook.

Please answer the following with a few sentences. No need to labor over this long, it’s just to give me a sense of what you’re able to contribute to the beta tester team; I’m more interested in hearing from you quickly so that we can get the ball rolling. I’ll schedule a phone call with everyone who seems like a good fit.